Study On
Performance Appraisal Practice Bits Effects on Employee Performance
[Case Study on Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia Jimma Maln Branch]
A Research
Proposal on Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for BA Degree in Management
January 2013
all, I would like to thank my almighty god that lets me to do everything and
helps me to get this dance I would like to than all my family members that
stand beside me by finance and ideal assistance and my gratin advising ,
supervising and directing , by giving all of his time and concentrating on
making special on research his advise and great contribution in effective of
this paper. Next, I would like to than all my friends that help me by giving me
powerful moral and appreciation in my entire road toward deign the research
project and its successful completion. Lastly but least my thanks would go to
W/t Tarik for her un conditioned
cooperation in typing out , in editing and printing this research
paper or study has conducted on the performance appraisal practices and its
effects on employee performance in case of commercial bank of jimma main
branch. This study provides relevant data about the performance appraisal
practices and its effects in the institutions. The major objectives of this
study is to assess the activates of performance appraisal & it effects on
employee performance and to identity the importance performance appraisal
system in commercialese bank Ethiopian jimma branch. The study has conducted
based on both primary and secondary data more emphasis using primary data. The
primary data is collected by using distributing questionnaires, direct
observations and interviews are conducted. Secondary data collected of the
study and internet. The method table used in conducting the study is
descriptive survey method because it tries to describe and explain the data
from which the solution to the problem sought. Due to population number is very
small about 60 laity ) employees census methods is used because census is
reliable and it yields much Amorite
information to address all the population of the bank. The dates are converted
understandable form by using and percentages.
Chief executive officer
PAS Performance Appraisal manager
CSM Customer Service Manager
CRO Customer relationship officer
SU Supervisor
Table of Contents
1.1 Back
ground of the Study
Any organization where private or governmental have
their own resources sue has human, materials, information and capital to their
success or achievements of their goals. Among these resource, human resources
is the most fundamental resources for any organizations. This resources
supplies the knowledge skills, creativity and their efforts to effect ivy
utilize other resources for the desired objectives to be achieved for doing so
the availability of individual to be quality, specific place and time has to be
determined to achieve the goals. This will be obtain by periodic review and
continuo evaluation of individual performance. This will be obtain by periodic
review and appraisal elevation of individual performance. The organization in
this word uses appraisal system to know and rise how the appraisals system is
performing towards the achievements of the organizations goals. The study is
focuses on the purposes 9advantages , methods, impacts, effectiveness and
practices of performance appraisals system in commercial bank of Ethiopia jimma
main branch ) . Commercial bank of Ethiopia has been operating under different socio cultural environment , geo
graphical location and other for the part years . Performance appraisals is the
process by which an employee contribution to the organization during formal
specified pieced. {Ivancevich 1998}. The long term failure and success of any
organization depends highly on qualities of their employees and performance
they have in organization. It has its own impacts on employee’s performance ,
on production and organization it self , It set out to inform an employee on
their development, command them or goes to be achieve and to discuss on any
area for improvement (Alfred York , 3rd edition). Performance
feedback lets employees to know they have to perform in comparison with
standard the organization performance appraisals and it can affects promote the two way communication between the
management and employee and to improve the employees level of production.
Commercial bank of Ethiopian has its own performance appraisals and it can
taffetas the employees towards organization
and themselves. Performance feedback use to promote the two employees
level of production.
Commercial bank of Ethiopia has its own
performance appraisals department to help it to achieve its objectives in jimma
main branch the main recusants of the
study is the fact that employees performances appraisals is the most
determinant in achieving the objectives of the bank.
Statement of the Problem
appraisals can have many problems in the organizations. It requires
observations and then evaluation of employee work by someone, usually by
employees manager. It’s difficult tasks for many managers because it exposed to
in accurately if it is not properly managed. The system of performance
appraisals has to be design carefully and systematically . It this is not, it
affects not only the organization but also moral of each employee in the
organization. Employees may complain the one who evaluate the performance
standards, the interpretation of performance evaluation results and the time of
evaluation. Because, employees will be evaluated annually and semiannually,
where this cannot cover the performance evaluation of the employees who works a
contract of less time. The existing system of performance appraisal system in
commercial bank of Ethiopia faces some problems. This research will intend to
assess the employee performance appraisal system in commercial bank Ethiopian
jimma main branch to this end the study will raises the following basis
research questions i.e
What are the main reasons for
conducting performance evaluation in commercial bank of Ethiopia jimma main
What are the problems , commercial
bank of Ethiopia jimma main branch facing with regard to the performance
evaluation practices?
Is the performance appraisals system
of the bank meeting its intended objectives and how employee perceives the
What is the effect of performance
appraisals of employees in commercial bank of Ethiopia jimma main brach?
Objectives of the Study
1.3.1General objectives
main objectives of this study is to assess employee performance appraises
system in commercial bank of Ethiopia jimma main branch and to recommend the
suggestions for the problems related to the subject matter
1.3.2 Specific
study will try to address a number of specific objectives. Some of these are:-
v To
assess the current performance appraisal system in the bank .
v To
identity the potential problems related to performance appraise system. and
state ways of overcoming those problems system and need to evaluate. its
overall achievements.
v To
recommend on finding.
1.4 Significance of study
result of this study will be significant in various aspects. Firstly, on the
basis of the study finding , it will draw some conclusions and identify the
problems of performance evaluation and give signal to human repowers management
of the bank to take remedial action to minimize the subjectivity of the
evaluation in protesting employees for salary increment and promotion.
it has a price of contribution to the current knowledge in the practice of
performance evaluation in an enterprise working in Ethiopia and it invites the
fur there research to bring behavioral change in the areas of performance evaluation both in
the mind of raters, rates and those parties responsible in the design of the
instruments of performance evaluation form that are used to judge the
performance of employees. The last but not the least is it will to the
researcher the opportunity. To gain deep knowledge in the practice of
performance evaluation.
Scope of the Study
study of this research paper is to assessing the performance appraisals
practices and its effects on employee, Jimma town with considerations of
performance appraisal effects on employee performance in the bank. More over
the time period for this study would begin from the December to June 2012/13
Limitation of the Study
(uncontrollable) factors or variables that challenges /confronts the smooth
implementation of the project are:
ü Lack
of internet assess
ü Lack
of budget
ü Lack
assent time to develop the project
Review of Related Literature
Performance Appraisal
appraisal is method evaluating the bearer of employees in the work spot,
normally it including both the qualitative and quantitative as pact job
performance. It is a system and objective way of evaluating both work related
and potentials of employees. It’s a process that involves deterring and
communicating to an employee how he or she is performing the job and ideally ,
establishing a plan improvement . (Bayer’s 5th edition) performance
appraisal let employees not only how well they are perforating but also
influence their future level effort and tasks direction. Performance
evaluations are an integral part most organization properly developed and
implemented, the performance appraisal prices can help an organization achieve
its goals by developing productive employees. One of the most common use of performance
appraisal is for making administrative decisions relating to promotion, layoff
and pay increases the present job performance of an employee is often the most
significant consideration determining we there to promote the person or not
while suelesful performance in the present job does not necessarily mean an
employee will be an effective for former in a high level job. Performance
appraisal do provide some productive information about the actual performance
of the employee. It can also provide the desired input for deterring both the
individual and the organization training and development needs. This
information can be used to identify in dividable employee strength and
weariness. This information used to help determine the organization over all
training and department needs for an individual employee, a computed
performance appraisal should include plan out lining specific training and
development needs another important use of performance appraisal is to encourage performance
improvement by communicating to employee how they are doing suggesting desired
change in behaviors , attitudes, skills or knowledge. This feedback most
clarities the employee job expectations help by manager. Sometimes this
feedback most be followed by coaching and training by the manager to grieved
employee work efforts. Finally two, others important uses of information
generate throng performance appraisals are input to the validation of selection
procedures and input to human resource planning. Although there are many types
of performance evolution systems, each with is own advantage and disadvantages,
we must aware of the legal implication that arise (john Wiley) and Jonson,
1997, 6th edition). Once employees have been sleeted, trained
motivated and placed on their respective job , it becomes essential for the
management to conduct performance appraisal to see we there the employees are
effective on their jobs or not. By this, management can also know how it has
been effective job. Performance appraisal is also known as” a merit training “
or employee appraisal some other terms of which are less commonly employee to
mean performance appraisal are the progress report , staff assessment , service
rating , personal review ,employee evocation and behavioral assessment (HRM,
Ivanceich 1998) .
2.2 Nature of
appraisal of employee is undoubtedly necessary at the time of employment.
Actually evaluation is constantly being done at an unconscious level. Employees
evaluate superior’s fellow colleges and subordinates what is needed to generate
proper control is a formal procedure for evaluation personnel within the
organizations. The personal department, where it exists can help materially in
fixing the qualities and characteristics be rated, in deterring the person who
should make such appraisal as well as by prescribing the appropriate
procedures. (Rsdavar, 10th edit)
2.3 Features
of Performance Appraisal
main characteristics of performance appraisal may be listed thus
v The appraisal is a systematic process
involving there steps .
Setting work standards
Assessing employees actual performance
relative to these standards
Offering feedback to the employees so
that he can eliminate deficiencies and improve performance in course of time.
v It
tires to find out how well the employee is performing the job and tries to
establish a plan for further improvement.
v The
appraisal is carried out periodically, according to definite plan
v Performance appraisal is future oriented
activity shoaling employees where things have gone wrong , how to set
everything in order and deliver results
v Performance
appraisal is not job evaluation. It refers to how well someone is doing an
assigned job. Evaluation, on the other hand determines how much a job is worth to
the organization and therefore, what rang of pay should be assigned to the job
v Performance
appraisal is not limited to calling the tow’ Its focus is on employee
development. It forces managements to become coachers rather than their judges.
The appraisals process provide an opportunity to identity issues for
discussion, eliminate any potential problems and set new gols for achieving
high performance (vsprao, 2005).
v Performance
appraisal may formal or informal. The informal evaluation is more likely to be
subjective and influenced by personal factors. The formal system like to be
more fair and objective since it is carried in a systematic manner , using
printed appraisal forms
2.4 Objective
of Appraisal
appraisal co cub be taken either for evaluating the performance of the
employees or for developing them. The evacuation is two types telling the
employees where he stands and using the data for personal decisions concerning
pay, promotion etc . The job of manager can be functionally divided into four
basis namely, planning, Organization, motivating and controlling. Thus in the
final analysis it becomes necessary to evaluate how effectively the human resources
has been utilized within the organization. This type of evaluation is of two
types namely, (1) Appraisal of personnel or individual employees performance
and (2) appraisal or audit of personnel function it self . This chapter is the
developed to the aspect of performance appraisal of employee which is so
essentials from the view point of employee development and promotion.
performance appraisal has the following objectives and limitation
ü Identifies
areas for further training needs
ü To
help determine promotion and transfer
ü To
reduce grievance
ü To
improve job performance (Bayer’s 5th edition)
Purpose /Aims of performance appraisal
should you appraise your performance?
order to develop a performance appraisal system /process it is important to
understand what purpose appraisal serve . Even so often , the senior management
of company come together and outlines the goal and for the company over a
specified time frame . The performance appraisal helps employers and employees
and employees understand how well those gals are being met. The employer already knows whether a goal has been
achieved. But , may not under stand how or why the results are the way they
are, Just as important individual employees need to understand how the have
performance in regard to the company’s goal , and the goals set for them personally
. (DESSLER, 2008).
The appraisal process also gives the employees
and superior on opportunity to work on carrier planning. Once supervisor
understands the employee’s personal long term goals, he/she can help design a
plan to help fur ther the employees goals. (DESSLER, 2008). This may induce
recommending training options or even letting the employees in functional area
outside their normal responsibilities. There are several reasons to appraise
performance An accurately conducted performance appraisal produces data useful
for a variety of organization and individual purpose. Many authors lists it in
different ways?
v Reduce
favoritism in main managerial decision about personnel
v Motivates
employees by providing feedback on performance
v Assist
manager to observe their subordinate more closely do a better of job coaching
v Provide
backup data for making decision about employee compensation
v Achieve
better operation results and improved work performance( James C Gibson, John N.
Gary , Dressler 6th edition, N.C jain, saksh:2001)
the very use full purpose are:-
ü Compensation
ü Promotion
ü Training
and development programs
ü Feedback
ü Personal
2.6 The benefits of performance
Employer perspectives /Administrative use )
ü Despite
imperfect measurement techniques,
individidual differences in performance can mark a difference to company
ü Documentation
of performance appraisal and feedback may be required for legal defuse
ü Appraisals
offers a rational basis contracting a bonus or merit system
ü Appraisals
dimensions and standards can help to implement strategic goals and clarity
performance expectations.
v Employee
perspective /developmental purpose/
ü Individual’s
feedback help people to rectify their mistakes and get ahead , fowling more on
their unique strengths.
ü Assessment
and reorganization of performance levels can motivate the employees to improve
their performance (VSPRAO, HRM, 2nd edition , 2005)
2.7 The
performance Appraisal process
appraisal is planned, developed and developed through a series of steps:- A.
Establishing performance Standards
system require performance standards, which serve as benchmarks against which
performance is measured, job useful, standards should relate to the desired
results of each job what about those appraisals which are carried out without
any clear cut criteria?
avoid embarrassments of this kind, performance standard, must be clear to both
the appraisal and the appraise. The performance standards organ must be
developed after a though analysis of the job . Goals must be write down. Just
taking about them is not enough. They
must be measurable within certain time and cost cons durations.
Communicate the standards
appraisal involves at least two parries i.e appraiser and appraise Both are
expected to do certain things. The appraiser should prepare job description
clearly help the appraise set his/her goals and targets analysis result
objectively offer the coaching and guidance to the appraise when ever required
and reward good results. The appraise should be very clear about what he is
doing and why he is doing it for this purpose , performance standards must be
communicated appraises and their reaction should be noted down right way. If
necessary, this standards must be released or modified. As pointed out by De
cero and Robbins , too many job have valve performance standards and the
problems is compounded when this standards are set in isolation and don’t
involve in the employee.
Measure actual performance
the performance standards are set in the accepted , next actual performance is
to be measured. This requires the dependable performance measures, ratings used
to evaluate the performance. Four common sources of information which are
generally used by the managers regarding how to measure actual performance are
personal observations, statistical reports, Oral reports and written repents.
Performance measured may be objective or subjective. Objective performance
measures are indications of job performance that can be verified by others and
usually quantitative objective criteria
includes quality of production , degree of training needed and accidents in a
given period , absenteeism, length of service, etc subjective performance appraisals
admeasures are ratings that are based on the personal standards or options of the those doing the evaluation
and arrant verifiable by other .
criteria include ratings by superiors (knowledge about overall goals , and
contribution to socio cultural values of the environment. It should be noted
have that objectives criteria can be laid down while evaluating tower level
jobs which are specific and defined clearly. This is not the case with middle
level positions that are com pollex and
Compare actual performance with standards and discuss the appraisal
performance may be bather than expected and sometimes it may go off the truck.
Whatever be the consequences; there is
away to communicate and discuss the final outcome. The assessment of another
person contribution and ability is not an easy task. It has serous emotional
overtones as it rafters the self esteem of the appraise. Any appraisal based on
subjective criteria is likely to be questioned by the appraise and leave him
quite defected and unhappy when an appraisal turns out to be negative.
Taking corrective action if necessary
action is of two types one puts out the fire immediately, which the other
destroy, the roots of the problem permanently. I immediate action sets thing ,
rights things and get things back on truck where as the basic corrective action
get to the source of deviations and seeks to adjust the difference permanently.
Basic corrective steps seeks to find out how any why performance deviates.
2.8 Method of
Performance appraisals
performance appraisal methods classified into their categories, such as:-
Individuals evaluation method
Militiaperson evaluation method
Other methods
v Individual
evaluation Method
this evaluation method of men it rating employees are evaluated one at a time without
comparing them with other employees in the organization. There are many
evaluation methods under this category evaluation method , let we see some of
Confidential report: It is mostly used
in government organization. It is a descriptive report prepared, generally at
the end of every year by the employee immediate superior. The report highlights
the strength and weakness of the subordinates. The report is not data based.
The impressions of the superior about the subordinate are merely recorded
there. It does not offer any feedback to the appraise. The appraise is not very
sure about why his rating have fallen despite his effects, why other are rated
high when compared to him low to rectify his mistakes if , any on what basis he
is going to be evaluated next year etc. since the report is generally not made
public and hence no feedback is available , the subjective analysis of the
superior is likely to be hotly contested.
Critical incident techniques : Under
this method , the manager prepared list of treat mints of every effective and
in effective behavior of the employee. This critical incidents or events the
outstanding or poor behavior of employees on the job. The manager maintains log
on each employee which by the periodically records critic incidents of the
worker behavior. At the end of the rating period , these recorded critic liner
dents are used in the calculation of the workers performance. This method provides an
objective basis for conducting through discussion of an employee’s performance.
This method suffers from the following literatures.
ü Negative
incidents may be more noticeable than positive incidents
ü The
superior have a tendency to unload a series of complaints about incidents during
an annual performance review session.
ü It
results in very close supervision which may not be like by the employee
ü Most
frequently, the critical incidents methods
is applaud to evaluate the performance of superiors.
Checklists and weighted checklist : Checklist represents , in its simple form , asset of an
objectives or descriptive statements about the employee and his behavior. If
the rate believes strongly that the employee posses a particular listed trait ,
he checks the item , and otherwise he levels item blank. A more recent
variation of the check list method a weighted list. The rating scores from the
check list helps the manager in evaluation of the performance of the employee.
checklist method has a serious limitation .i,e
ü The
rater may be biased in distinguishing the positive and negative questioned
ü He
may assign biased weights to the questions .
ü It
is expensive and time consuming
ü It
is becomes difficult for the manager to assemble , analyze and weigh a number
of statements about the employees characteristics , contributions and behaviors
Graphical rating scale:- under this
method a printed form is used to evaluate the performance of an employee.
A variety of traits may be used to in
thus types of rating devices , the most common being the quantity and quality
of work. The rating scales can be also adopted by including traits that the
company considers impotent for effectiveness on the job. From the graphic
rating scales excerpt can be obtained about the performance standards of
employees. The rating scale is the most common method of evaluation of an
employees performance today. One positive point in favor of rating scale is
that its easy to understand , to we and permits a statistical tabulation of
score of employee when ratings are objective in nature , they can be
effectively used as evaluation. The graphic rating scale may however suffer
from long standing disadvantages, I,e it may be arbitrary and the rating may be
subjective. A mother pitfalls is that each characteristic is equally important
in evaluation of employee’s performance and so on .
Management by Objectives (MBO)
requires the management to set specific, measurable , goals with each employee
and then periodically discuss the latter’s progress towards thus goals. This
techniques emphasizes participative goals that are tangible, veritable and
measurable. MBO focuses on what must be accomplished (goals )rather than how it
is to be accomplished. It is thus a kind of goal setting and appraisal program
involving six steps :
v Set
the organization’s goals
v Set
departmental goals
v Discuss
departmental goals
v Define
expected results
v Performance
v Provide
demands a great deal time to set veritable goals at all levels of an
organization. In the race define everything rigidly, some of the qualitative as
pacts might be ignored (such as employee attitude, job satiation , etc). Often
the superior may set goals ate frustratingly
high level , where as the subordinate many which to have it a
comfortable levee. At times, the short form goals may take precedence over long
term goals . the only way to over come thus problems is thus to allow the
manger at all levels to explain , coordinate and guide the program is a
pnsuasives democratic way. The jointly retarget set target must be fair and
attainable. Both the superiors and the subordinates must be thought how to set
realistic goals and be familiarized with the results for white they are finally
held responsible
v Multiple
person evaluation techniques
above discussed method are used to evaluate employee at a time. This section
evaluates one employee in comparison to another. There techniques are used
frequently in organization are:-
Ranking Method: is relatively easy
method of performance evaluation. Under this method, the ranking alt of
employee in working prop is done against that of another employee. The relative
position of each employee is expressed in terms of his numerical rank. It may
also be done by ranking a personal job performance against another member of a
competitive group. The implication of this methods that employee are ranged
according to their relative level of performance which using this method , the
evaluator is asted to rate employees from the highest to lowest towards some
over all criteria , Though is it relatively easier to rank the best & the
worst employees, it is very difficult to rant the average employees. Generally
evaluators pick the top & bottom
employees first then select the next highest & the next lowest & above
to wards the average/ middle employees .
Paired companion method:- Ranking
becomes more reliable & easier under the paired comparison method . Each
worker is compared with all other employees in the group for every trait the
worker is compared with all other employees.
Forced distribution method :- Under
this method , theater is asked to appraise the employee according to a
predetermined distribution scale. The raters bias is sought to be eliminated
here because workers are not placed at higher or lower end of the scale.
2.9 Problems
with performance Appraisal
problems in horrent in performance appraisal may be thus:-
Judgmental errors People commit mistakes which evaluating
people and their performance Bases and
judgment errors of various kinds may spoil the show. Bias here refers to
distortion of a measurement. These are as follows types.
Fist impression /primary effect / the appraiser fist impression of a candidate
may color his evaluation of all subset quant behavior. In the case of negative
primary effects the employees seem to do nothing right . In the case negative
primary effect, the employees can do no
wrong (Herr’s p. 1992) .
Halo error: The rater’s bias in the other performance dimension affects the
rater’s evaluation of other performance dimension
Leniency: Depending on raters own mental makeup at the time of appraisal ,
raters may be rated very strictly very leniently , a appraisers generally find
evaluating others difficult , especially where negative ratings have to be
green. A profess or might hesitate to tail a candidate when all other student,
have cleared the examination. The leniency error can render an appraisal system
in effective if everyone is to be rated
high , the system has not done anything to differentiate among the
employees .
Central Tendency: Its an alternative to the leniency effect. It occurs when the
appraise rate all employees as average perfumers
.stereotyping: Is a mental picture that an individual holds about adperson
belay use of that person’s sex age religion , etc
Regency Effect :- In this case the rater gives weight age to recent occur acnes
than earlier performance.
Poor appraisal forms: The appraisal
process might also be influenced by the
following factors relating to the forms that are used by raters .
ü The
rating seals may be quite vague and underarm
ü The
rating form may ignore important aspects of job performance
ü The
rating form may be contagion additional for performance dimension
ü The
form may be too long and complete.
Lack of rater preparedness : The
raters may not be adequately trained to carry out performance management
2.10 Essential
Characteristics of an effective appraisal system
appraisal system should be effective as number of crucial decisions are made on the basis of score or rating given by
the appraiser , which in turn is highly biased on the appraisal system. It posses
the following charlteristics.
Reliability and validity: appraisal
system should /provide consistent , reliable and valid information in a job
related activities / areas of the organization.
Job relatedness: The appraisal
technique should measure the performance and provide information in a job
related areas.
Standardization: appraisal forms,
procedures , administration of techniques , rating etc should standardized as appraisal decision affects
all employees of the group
D. Practical
viability :The technique should be practically viable to administer possible to
implement and economical to undertake continuously
Open Communication Most employees want
to know how well they are performing the job. A good appraisal interview should
permit both parties to learn about the gaps and prepare themselves for the
Employee access to results: employee
should know the rules of the game they should receive adequate feedback on
their performance.
G. Due
Process : it follows then that formal procedures should be developed to enable
employees who disagree with appraisal results (which are considered to be in
accurate or unfair ). Performance appraisal should be used primarily resets
2.11 The
challenges in performance Management
present day organizations, the return process of motivating employees are
common to all levees. Acknowledge unique contributions and alleviate personal
concerns that impact profession performance to get the best out of people the
chief executive offices should.
in various terms such as performance appraisal performance review , personal
rating menstruating employee evaluation
history of performance appraisal is quite beret . Its rootles in the earlt20th
can be traced to Taylors pioneering , time and motion studies There is says “a
basic human tendency to make judgments about those one is working with as we as
about one self appraisal, it seems , is
both inevitably and universal . In the abs ice of carefully strutted system of
performance ,appraisal people will tend to judge the work performances of
others in clouding subordinates , naturally informally and arbitrary Dura
(Bannister and Barking, 1990) has reported that appraises seem to have great or
acceptance of the appraisal process and feed more statistic with it when the
process is directly linked to reverends. Boyce and killer reports those
effective performance appraisal system help to create a motivated and committed
work force to be effective they require the support of top management to show
their commitment and to translate the organization goals and objectives into personalized
employee specific objective.
3.1 Research
Methodology and Design
research design (method) selected for the study to performance appraisal system
and its effects on employee performance in commercial bank of Ethiopian jimma
main branch is descriptive survey method. Because it tries to describe and
explain the data for the purpose of describing the nature of existing conditions
such as performance activates of employees
3.2 Method of
data Collections
sources of data
Questionnaires: - that contains
relevant variables which contain both open close ended questions developed by
the researcher .
Direct objection the researcher try to
serve the real practice exercise in performance of the employee and its
Interviewing which enable the
researcher to gather information that is
relevant to the service provision in the office , employees, manager
Sources of data
literature regarding performance appraisal practices and its effect on employee
performance be used as a source of the information the researcher used
different materials like
ü Books
ü Documents
ü Different
written material in the bank regarding the topic of the study
ü Internet
Target Population
study of this study will be the employees of commercial bank of jimma main
branch, Ethiopia. The methods the researcher interested to use for conducting
the study is census method the reasons that initiates the researcher to use
census methods are. The data derived through census are highly reliable and
also censes data yields much information. In general sense, data derived
through census are accurate because , it addresses all the population employees
of the bank.
Methods of data Analysis
researcher will use descriptive analysis methods in order to analyze the data
that will e collected through interview and questionnaires because the disruptive
data analysis method helps to reduce the collected data into summery format and
rout data into a form that makes them easy to under stand and interpret through
this method the row dates are convert to understand able form by using table
and parentages
1. Work plan and Budget plan
Every human activity is carried out
through time it is also inevitably requires resources. Research as a human
activity accordingly is necessarily in need of both time and resources. Since
it’s a procedural task, it has to be undertaken in a systematically bounded
time and resources are to be allocated reasonably. Hence, both the time and
resources are table planned prior the commencement of the performance of the
Based on this , to carry out the
research planned to undertake on the title “study on performance appraisal system and its effects on employee
performance “ from the perspective of human resources management in the
commercial bank of Ethiopian jimmma main branch .
4.1 Time Budget
period ( in months ,2005)
Topic Selection
Literature review
Proposal Development
Data Collection
Data analysis Interpretation
Report writing
Cost Budget
Total cost
Cost from BECO to Mercator
Ivancevich J.
M (1998) Human resource Management New your MC Graw –Hill.
Shuan Tyson
and Alford your *3rd ) edition ) Human Resource Management.
Bayers Rue and leslic W. Rue Human Resource
Management (fith edition).
Richard D.
Irwin Human resource Management (1995).
Jimma University
College of Business and Economics
Department of Management
for Employee
am the student of Jimma University. I am doing research paper on the topic of
study on performance appraisal system and its effects on employee performance “
in case of commercial bank or Ethiopia Jimma main branch.
of the research
objective of the study is to identity the main employee performance that should
be addressed to improve organization performance with the need and requirement.
And also identity strength and weakness of the bank to take corrective action
on the entire system.
Note that
1. No need to write your name
Please fill the answer by making “ü” marks
Please give more attention and the
completed as fast as possible
If you further exclamation contact me
by phone No” 0912075774
Sex :
A. Male ¨ B. Female
Age : A. 18-25
¨ 25-35
¨ C. Above 35 ¨
Education level A. Diploma ¨ B. First degree ¨ C. Above degree¨
Work experience in the bank A. <5 years ¨ B. 5-10 years ¨
C. Above year ¨
Position in the bank A. Junior officer¨ B.
Cleric ¨
C. Junior &
citric officer ¨ D. Customer service officer ¨
Are you aware of performance appraisal system in the organization?
A. Yes ¨ B. No¨
Are you sati tied with the performance appraisal system of this organization?
Yes ¨ B. No¨
Are you able to achieve your target set by performance appraisal system of the
Yes ¨ B. No¨
Which kind of reward did you get from the superior for your performance?
A. Salary increment ¨ C. Appreciation¨
B. Promotion ¨ D. Bonus Pays¨
Are you satisfied with reward system of this organization?
Yes ¨ B. No¨
Did you get any feedback from your superiors about your work performance? A.
Yes ¨ B. No¨
Which of the performance appraisal method do you prefer the most?
A. Rating seals ¨ C. 360 ¨
B. Check list ¨ D. Management by objective (MBO) ¨
In which stage do you think the appraisal should communicate with the employee
regard to performance appraisal system?
Goal setting stage ¨ C. Midterm reviews ¨
Data adhering sage ¨ D. Others ¨
Which method is the organize using to evaluate the performance of an employee?
A. Confidential report ¨ C. Grading methods ¨
B. Critical method ¨ D. Others ¨
Is the performance appraisal effective?
A. Agree C. Strongly agree
B. Disagree D. Strongly disagree
How does your rate the mutual understanding and relationship bet ween
management? And employee in managing
performance of workers?
A. Good
C. Poor
I have been searching to find a comfort or effective procedure to complete this process and I think this is the most suitable way to do it effectively.
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