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Apr 4, 2011





                                                                                                                                    Jimma, Ethiopia, 2013                                                                                                                      

Table of content   
                   Content                                                                                                                 page
             Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................... I
               Abstract       .................................................................................................................   II                                                                           
1.1  Background of The Study................................................................................................ 1
1.2  Background of Organization............................................................................................ 2
1.3  Statement of The Problem................................................................................................ 3
1.4  Objective of The Study..................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Significance of Study ....................................................................................................... 4
1.5  Scope Of The Study ......................................................................................................... 4
1.6  Limitation Of Study ......................................................................................................... 5
1.7  Organization paper ........................................................................................................... 5
Literature review  
2. Definition of Current Asset ...................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Cash and Cash Equivalent ...................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Current Asset Management .................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Cash Management ............................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Reason for Holding Cash .................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Management of Short Term Investment ................................................................................. 9
2.4 Management of Account Receivable...................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 Account Receivable as an Investment ................................................................................ 10
2.5 Credit Policy and Administration.......................................................................................... 11
2.6 Element Of Accredit Management Policy............................................................................ 12
2.7 Gathering Information on the Credit Applicant................................................................... 13
2.8 Short –Term Loan Management ........................................................................................... 13
2.8.1 Bank Lending Policies and Procedures ............................................................................. 14
2.8.2 Regulation of Lending ...................................................................................................... 14
2.9.9 Bank Liquidity Problem ..................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Area of the Study ................................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Research Design ................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Data Types and Source ........................................................................................................ 16
3.4 Method of Data Collection .................................................................................................. 16
3.5 Sample and Sample Size....................................................................................................... 17
3.6 Sampling Technique and Forget Population ........................................................................ 17
3.7 Method of Data Analysis ..................................................................................................... 17
3.8 Method of Presentation out Come ........................................................................................ 17
 Work and cost plan
4.1 work plan.............................................................................................................................. 18
4.2 cost plan ............................................................................................................................... 18

First and for most I would like tank almighty God who give me healthy and strength.
Secondly, I would like to thank my advisor Ato Anteneh Gorfu for his patient and invaluable advice throughout the time of his research paper
Finally I want to acknowledge those people who helped me by their idea and on my work.

The basic aim of this study is to assess current asset management wegagen bank which is found in oromia region in Adama area. Current asset management is the handling of current asset of the company. Current asset management of the bank is cash, Short terms investment and accounts receivable. This research paper is conduct on the assessment of current asset management of wegagen bank using primary and secondary source of data. Data type used in this research is quantitative and qualitative type data. Unstructured interview and questionnaire used for the collection of primary data for year. Balance sheet and income statement of the data bank used as secondary data. After collecting the necessary information and interpreted carefully, discriptive methods of data analysis would be used. The analyzed data are interpreted discussed using tabulation, percentage and by Appling the case study principles. Finally, cash management, Short term investment management and account receivable management of the wegagen bank during the period under research are in a proper management.

                                                                CHAPTER ONE
1.1  Back ground of the study
Current asset are cash other asset are expected to convent to cash within a year. Current asset are presented on balance the in order of their liquidity the case with which they can be converted to cash and time it takes to convent them.
The most important item found in the current section either are cash and cash equivalent, marketable securities account receivable and inventories (roses. 2000. Page- 446).
In other way current asset are short- term asset either are cash will become cash or will be used in operation in one year. Examples are retable will collect in go days, or inventories on hand that will be sold in the neat quarter (louder back 1993: page 104).
Cash and market able securities are the most liquid of the friend asset cash is the reedy currency to which all liquid asset can be reduced. Market able securities are short term investment can be reduced. Market instrument that are used by the firm to obtain acetum on temporary idle fund. To gather cash ad market able securities act and a pool of fund that can be used to pay bill as they come due and to meet any an expected outlaid. Because the rate of interest applied by bank checking account is relatively law the firm tend to use excess bank balance to purchase market able securities the firm most therefore determine the appropriate balance for  both cash and marketable securities to  nodule the rise of technical insolvency to acceptable level. The desired balance determined by carefully considering the motive for technical insolvency and the lover they are the lower the risk of technical insolvency and are the hither the risk of technical insolvency (e.j Gitman 1997.p. 788) .
To improve the working of financial intuitions specially banks to introduce new activities or opportunity to the organization current asset management is very important so in to survive and fulfilled objective and obligation financial intermediary as whole and wegagen bank as particular financial intermediary must manage their current asset properly.

Back ground of the organization
Wegagen bank is privately owned share company which started operation on June 11. 1997 with subscribe capital of birr 60 million and a paid up Capital birr30 million. Vision:- of bank becoming the most preferred bank in Ethiopia. Mission: to provide wide range of quality banking service through a dynamics work force and up to date it solution to satisfy the desire of all stakeholder.
Main objective
A.    Maximizing profitability through increased efficiency
B.     Enhance growing market share.
C.     Expanding the bank capital base
D.    Ensuring excellence in customer services
E.     Provide differentiated varied and valve added banking service.
Wegagen bank is appointer bank to introduce adore banking system in July 2000. There by managed to neutral the lead of office organ city branches and 10 some of the outing branches. at present migration of the existing core banking system in to more ver. and iso- standard 10 union is completed. The bank has also implode mended a fully fledged card payment system enabling its customer to get 2417 banking service, on our Atm network, and on posterminal as well
Wegagen bank is governed by the board of director committing of a chairman vice chairman seven director. The overall management is entrusted to the management team which comprises the president chief executive officer who is appointed by the board of director two vice president and twelve deponent managers.

1.2  Statement of the problem
Current asset management is the handling of the current asset of the company. Any asset that accompany or business has that is the equivalent of the cash or be liquidated in to cash in the period of year is considered a current asset. Typically, Current asset are inventory of accompany has, as well as the account receivable and short term investment it has anyplace. (www. Wisgeek. Com. 9:30 Am).
One of the major problems of financial institution is improper management of current asset which would have greater impact for the survival of the company, because of liquidity problem. Loss of profit, unable to fulfill customer demand, and fear to survive.
Unlike other financial institution bank more likely to fail due to liquidity problem unable to honor their promise to redeem deposit demand lacks of adequate liquidity is often one of the first sign that a bank is series financial trouble. Bank may begin to lose deposits which erodes its supply of cash and force the institution to dispose fits more liquid asset (rose 350).
Problem of ensuring their accountability bank a sound current asset financial and management may have critical impact on bank day to day operation.
Wegagen bank currently use different technique manger it current asset such as liability to asset limit, Payment and settlements account. and reserve account. However ,most liquidity problem in wegagen bank arise from outside the bank as result of the financial activity of its customer. In effect. Customer liquid problem gravitate toward their bank.
The research would their to asses problem area of current asset management and practice of wegagen bank by raising the following basic research questions.
1.      How does the bank implement the lending policy?
2.      Does the bank cash liquidity?
3.      What technique does the bank use to manage its cash and  short term receivable?
4.      Does the bank manage liquidity?

1.4  Objective of the study
    General objective
The general objective of the study to assess the current asset management of wegagen bank.
 Specific objective
The study would be tries to have the following specific objectives
*      To identify the problem of the bank face during in management its cash and short receivable.
*      To asset the liquidity position of the bank.
*      To assess short term loan collection policies and procedure
*      To assess the bank cash liquidity.
*      To give some construction suggestion and recommendation based on the fact of the study.
1.5  significance of the study
The study would be useful in light the strong and weak point in current asset management of wegagen bank. The studies would initiate other research in the area for further study. In addition the research believes that the study may be help full in Ethiopia context and wegaen bank Adama branch in particular.
1.6  scope of the study
The scope of the study is delimited to that area which reveals the current asset management of wegagen banks. According brochure (Dec- 2012) wegagen bank has net work of 63 branches of which 28 are in Addis Ababa and the remaining 35 are located in other City and town of the countries and the researcher tried to focus one of its branch found in Adama branch about how current ass’s management took place of the three year. The research use of quantitative and of qualitative types of data and both primary and secondary source of data used.

1.7  Limitation of the study  
Initially, it would hope that this study would be conducted successfully however it seen to researcher difficult to do without only sufficient necessary material such as.
·         There is no enough computers to use interest service.
·         The organization employer are not responsible it give enough information
·         Lack of finance to print necessary not form internet
·         Time scarce
·         Lacks of the necessary book in library.
1.8  Organization of the paper
 This research has four chapters. First chapter with introduction include background of the study. Background of the organization statement of the problem. Objective of the study, significance of the study scope and Limitation of the study. The third chapter is about methodology. Finally the fourth chapter deals with about the cost and financial budget.

                                                 CHAPTER TWO
                                                     Literature review
2. Definition current asset
Current asset is part of by cyclically repeated business operation at a period not exceeding one year and comprised asset of various nature.
The asset of financial character are cash securities account receivable and prepaid expanse and those tangible natures comprise inventors of materials, goods and finished product. The component of tangible current assets requires in wring casts of their purchased and strobe and at some time they freeze capital. Additionally the eminence inventory involve greater risk than the maintenance of components of finical nature only, as before being converted in to cash it still needs to so through specific  transistor phases ( www. Baits. 1200:ly/./112 Pd/).
The aim this article is to present major problem concerning management of the component of the current asset, i.e. cash account receivable and inventory of the company.
2.1 cash and cash equivalent
Cash of often called “non earning assert” it needed to pay for labor and draw material to bad dividends and soon however cash itself and also commercials checking account earns net interest thus, the goal of the cash manager hold for use in conducting its normal business activities yet, at the sometime to have sufficient cash (1) to take trade discount,(2) to maintain its credit rating and (3) to meet unexpected cash need (Bring hem . 1995).

Marketable securities
Are more liquid group of asset and thus the next category presented under current asset: At the time of acquisition, debit and equity securities classified as trading available for sale and hold to maturity.
Treasury bill
Are short term obligation of the federal government and are popular to “park fund” because of large aid active market. Although those securities are originally issued with maturely 91 days, 182 day and one year the investor may buy an outstanding T- bill with as one day remaining perhaps, two prior investor have held it for 45 day search).
Treasury note
Is Government obligation with majority one to 10 years, and they may purchase with short to intermediate term fund.
Federal agency securities
Represent the offerings of such governmental organization as the federal home loan band and federal bank. Though locking the direct backing of us treasury, they are guaranteed by the issuing agency and provide all the safety that one would normally require. There is an execentent secondary market for agency securities that allows investors to sell an outstanding issue in an active and liquid market before the maturity date. Government issue ay slightly higher yields then direct treasury issues.
Certificate of deposit (CD)
Offer by commercial banks saving and loan and other financial institutions. The inventor places his/her fund deposit at a specified rate over given time period evidenced by the certificate received.

Banker acceptance
Are short term securities that generally arise from foreign trade? The acceptance is draft drawn on a bank for payment when presented to the bank. The difference between adrift and check is that accompany does not have deposit fund at the bank to cover the draft unit the bank has accepted the draft or payment and presented if to the company. In the cost of banker acceptance arising from foreign trade the draft of may be accepted by the bank for future payment of the required amount (Block. 1997, p.176).
2.2 Current asset management
2.2.1 Cash asset management
According to block (1997) cash management involve control over the receipt and payment of cash so as to minimize non earning cash balance.
Cash management is the art of keeping corporate cash balance at the lowest level, since cash is non productive asset without jeopardizing short term liquidity. Banker’s assist corporate cash managers in establishing zero balance accounts, which are emptied in to interest- earning accounts at the end of every day.  Controlled disbursement accounts the total volume of checks that will cleared against its corporate checking account every day. The ultimate goal is to accelerate collection of receivables from customers, while delaying payable as much as possible to investment end financing to interest bearing over night accounts. The basic objective of in cash as low as possible while still operating the forms activates efficiency and effectively.
According to Ross (2000) separate cash management has three steps
®    determining the appropriate target cash balance
®    collecting and disbursing cash efficiently
®    investing “ excess” cash in marketable securities
Determining appropriate target cash balance involves an assessments of the trade of between the benefit and cost of liquidity if the form has achieved  its target cash balance, the value it get from the liquid provided by its cash will be exactly equal the value for gone interest on an of equivalent  hording of treasury bill. In other word the note present value from doing so  is positive.
After the optimal amount of liquidity is determined the form must establish procedure so that collection and disbursement of cash are done at efficiently as possible.
Finally firm must invest temporary ideal cash in short term marketable securities
2.2.2 Reason for holding cash
1.      speculative and precautionary motive is the need to hold cash in order to be able to take advantage of,
2.      The precautionary motive is the need for safety supply to act as financial reserve. Once again, there is the probability is a precautionary motive for liquidity. However give than the valve of money market instrument is relatively certain and that instrument such as T- bill more extremely liquid there is precaution and purpose.
3.      The transaction motive cash is needed to satisfy the transition motive, the need to have cash on hand to pay bills.
Transaction – related needs come from the normal disbursement and collection activities of the firm. The disbursement of cash includes the payment of wages and salaries, trade, debits, Taxes and dividends.
4.      Compensating balances
Compensating balance are another reason to hold  cash balance are kept at commercial bank to compensate for banking service the firm receive, S.A minimum compensating  balance requirement by banks providing credit service to the firm may impose  a lower limit on the level of cash hold( Ross.2000.p.571).
2.3 Management of short term involvement  
Are securities that brought and solid in the primary or secondary securities market. these securities are reaching to maturity within one year and are noted for their low risk  and ready marketability. These securities are considered  appropriate investment in the current asset management non financial bank acceptance and money market mutual fund are suitable as short such treasury bill securities short term or term temporary investment after negative the researcher tribe to see only treasury bill because the restore not applicable in Ethiopia context.
Treasury bill: commonly referred to as T- balls are her direct obligations of the state government bill are particularly attractive to bank because of their high degree of safely. Bill are supported by taxing power of the federal governments, their market price are relative stable and they readily marketable bills are issue and trade as discount from their part value without promised interest rate.
The minimum purchase size is $10,000 new issue of T- balls are sold by state treasury and are available in three original maturities 91 days , 185 and 52 weeks other maturities can be obtained by purchasing  previously issued t- bill in resale markets. They yield the smallest rate of return among short term investment because they have no default risk. The short term manures of T- bill serve to maize interest rate risk (never, 1985 p. 199-181).
2.4 Management of account receivables
An increase portion of investment corporate asset in accounts receivable as expanding sale forested at time by inflation pressures. have placed additional burden on firm to carry large balance for their customer Frequently recession have also stretched our the terms of payment as small customer have had to rely on supplier for credit account receivable as percentage ago of total asset have almost delved between 1950 and the mid 1990s, Now representing over 20 percentage of total asset for the over rage us corporation.
2.4.1 Account receivable as an investment
As true of other current asset account receivable should be thought of as an investment. The level of account receivable should not be judged tool like or tool low based on literal standard of industry norms, but rather the test should whether the level of return we are able to earn from this asset equal   or exceeds the potential gain from other commitment. Clear their account our account receivable balance will increase
Drawing funds from us are marketable curtsied and perhaps drawing down the inventory level.
We must ask whether we err optimizing our return in height of appropriate risk and liquidity consideration.
2.5 Credit policy administration
In consideration extension of credit there are three primary policy variable
To consider in conjunction with our profit objective.
1-      Credit standards
2-      Term of trade
3-      Collecting policy
1-      Credit standard: the firm determines the nature of credit risk on the basis of prior records of payments financial stability currently worth and other factors, when an account receivable is credit has been extended to the terms of trade.
Bank sometimes: refers to the ads of credit character capital capacity condition and collateral as indication of when their loan will be repaid on time letter or not at all.
®    Character: refers to moral and ethical quality of the individual who is responsible for repaid the loan. A person of principle or accompany run by people of high ethical standard is expected to be good credit risk. A decision on character is judgmental call on the part of the lenders and is consider one of the most significant considerations when making a loan.
®    Capital – is the level of finical resource available to the company seeking the loan and loan involves an analysis of debt to equity and the firm’s capital structure.
®    Capacity: referees to availability and substantionality of firm’s cash flow at level enough to pay off the loan.
®    Condition: refers to the sensitive the cash flow to economy the more the credit risk of the firm. When the economy is in recession, business heal thing general is leaker and most firm are riskier
®    Collateral: is determined by the asset that can be pledged against loan much like in out mobile serve as collateral for acre available to be sold by the lender if loan is no repaid obviously the better the duality of the collateral, the lower the risk of the loan.
2. Term of trade
The stated term of credit extension will have a strong impact on the eventual size of the account receivable balance .it affirm average $ 5000 in daily credit sale and allow 3day terms the even account receivable balance will be $150,000. It customer are carried for 60 days we must maintain $ 300,000 in receivable and much additional financing will be required.
In establishing credit term the firm should also consider the use of a cash discount.
Offering the term 2/10,net 30, enable the customer to deduct  2 percentages from the face amount of the bill when paying within first 10 days.
3. Credit policies
In assessing collection policy a number of quantitative measures may be applied to the credit department of the firm (block, 1997.p.180-185).
2.6 Elements of accredit management policy
Criteria for extending credit two types of decision are involved in extending credit when customer required to credit for the first time then the customer required to submit financial and related data with credit reference. The service of credit agency or credit bureau used to obtain additional information about customer financial condition and recent credit history. Other type of decision occurs when and established credit customers filled crowingly unless the dollar from an established credit customer submit filled routinely unless request extended credit term or the customer become as low paying account.
Technique to protect receivables: most account receivable represent tale made on open account this means the seller is unless cured creditor of the customer. The credit be sway for seller to protect its account receivable is refuse credit to those potential customer
The best way o for seller to protect its account receivable is reuse to protect account receivable is reuse credit risks the merchandise sold on credit is used as collateral to secure the sale and then the sever become a secured creditor of the customer.
Collecting procure: credit policy congaing procedures used in collecting slow- paying and delinquent accounts. The policy must well out which steps the corporation 10
Information willing to take in collecting receivable and in what order those action are be taken (neveu, 1985, p.185).

2.7 Gathering information on the credit applicant  
For evaluating the credit information worthiness of customer is available from a variety of source including financial statement submitted by the customer credit reporting organization bank and the company own prior experience with the customer. These sources differ with respect to their cost and the reusability of the information they provide.
A.    Financial statement: accompany can ask accredit applicant to supply various kind of financial information such income statement and balance sheet (preferably advised ones). And possibly even forecast financial strength and the applicant ability to replay credit obligations. Unwillingness on the part of the applicant to supply financial statement may indicate the finical weakness and suggest the need for more detailed checking the Wright refused to extend credit.
B.     Credit:- reporting organization: A number  of organization collect information on the finical position and standing of business other companies and lending intuitions that are considering extending credit to accompany may obtain information about it from these organizations usually for a fee.
C.     Bank:- may bank will assist their business customer in obtaining information on the credit worthiness  business. Through its contact with other banks, a customer bank often can obtain detailed information on the payment patterns and financial status of the company under investigation and pass.
D.    Prior experience with the costume:-  A company’s experience with accredit customers can be extremely useful when credit it currently grants to the customer or both.
2.8 Short –term loan management
It is one of the major function which finical institution under taken for proper mobilization of fund. Its function also indicates loan and advance .safety of financial institution loan and advance is taken and condition on which loan will be made available.              
2.8 .1 Bank lending policies and procedures
 The principles reason banks are chartered by state and federal authorities are to make loan to their customer. Making loan the principal economic function of banks to fund consumption and investment spending functions has great deal to do with the economic health of its region. because bank loans support the growth new business and job within the bank trade territory and promote economic vitality (Rose. 1999. P.517).
2.8.2 Regulation lending
The loan portfolios of any bank liability influenced by regulation because, the facility of bank loan has more to do within risk and safety any other aspect of the banking business.
The quality of bank loan  portfolio pontrtifion and the soundness of its lending policies are the area federal and state bank examiner look at most closely  when examining a bank (Rose, 1999.p. 522.504).
2.2.9. Bank liquidity problem
Most liquidity problem in banking arises outside the bank are result of the financial activities of its customers. In effect, customers liquidity problem gravitate toward their bank.
The essence of the liquidity management problem for bank liquidity equal to the supply of liquidity at any particular moment in time. The bank must continually dial with either a liquidity deficit or a liquidity surplus.
There is a trade between bank liquidity and profit ability the more bank resource are tied up or readiness to meet demand for liquidity  the lower is that bank expected  profitability.
Why bank face significant liquidity problem?
  The significant exposure of bank to liquidity pressure arises from several sources:- 
       I.            Bank borrow large amount  of short- term deposition and reserves from the individual and business and other lending institution and then turn around and make long term credit available to the borrowing customer.
A problem related to the maturity mismatch situation is that banks hold an unusually high proportion of liabilities subject to immediate payment, such as demand deposits, now accounts and money market borrowing.
       Thus, bank must always stand ready to meet immediate cash demand that can be s  s      substantial at times.
    II.            Another source D) liquidity problem is the bank sensitivity in interest rate. When interest rate rise. Some depositors withdraw their fund in search of higher return elsewhere. Many loan customers may postpone new loan requests or speed up their drawing on those credt lines that carry lower interest rates. This changing interest rate, affect both customers demand for loan each of which has a patent impact on bank’s liquid position moreover, movements in interest rate affects the market value of assets of the bank may need to sell in order to raise additional liquid funds, and they are directly affect the cost of borrowing in the money market ( Rose, 1999, p. 350- 351).



                                                    CHAPTER THREE
Research design and methodology
3.1 Area of the study
The research under the title of assessment of asset management would plane carried out at wegagen bank which is found in Oromia region, east shoa, in Adama town.
3.2 Research design
The research is design to answer the question posted and attain the general and specific objective of the research. Descriptive types to assess current asset and management of the bank.
3.3 Data types and source
The research used both quantitative and qualitative types of data. The research would predominantly conduct on both primary and secondary source of data.
3.4. Method of data collection
For conducting an effective scientific research accurate and reliable data are very important so, the necessary information is collected through different method of data collection. In this study both primary and secondary source of data is used for the enable the collection of primary data unstructured interview are conducted with the leg of financial manager and employee of the bank since it enable the researcher to ask further question beyond what the researcher interested can generate detailed data and enable in depth understanding of phenomenon. Unstructured interview selected. Data collected from other source is not enough so questionnaires are included. Secondary data would collect from unpublished material of wegagen bank credit policies and procedures manual. Cash management manual and published audited finical statement including balance sheet and income statement of sampled companies for period of three year before using both types of data the research would cheek its reliability and adequacy.

3.5. Sample and sample size   
From total worker of wegagen bank Adama branches to the student’s research would conduct 15 employees of the bank.
3.6 Sampling technique and target population
The respondents were selected with non- probabilities sampling design i.e. judgmental sampling would use and considered to gather primary data. The study use this sampling because management and employees of the bank are the only that can provide sufficient
and accurate information for the study.
To gather relevant data those would consider being knowledge about the topic had select. Those respondents are credit and risk department manager, accounting and finance department manager of the bank. Structurally design of questionnaire was distributing to the respondent so as to together the primary data.
3.7 Method of data analysis.                                                                                          For The purpose obtained related information about subject matter. The response would be analyzed by applying the case study principles. The audited financial statement would also analyzed descriptive method of data analysis with common financial tools like ratio, which would construct by researcher. In addition to this, table would also used to identify the trend of the ratio.
3.8 Method of presenting outcome
After the process data analyzed is completed the analyzed data is summarized and presented by means of tabulation. The analyzed data is presented inform of percentage.

Work and cost plan
4.1 work plan

Problem definition

Literature reverent

Propose development




Data collection


Data analysis reporting


Presentation of reporting


4.2  cost budget
      Unit cost
Total cost
For stationary

Banding material






Typing propose
 Typing research report






Total cost


Black 1997 fundamental financial management (3rd) the order press. New York
Binrgham E.f (1995) fundamental of financial management (7th ed) the Dryden press: U.S.A
L. J. Giman (1997) fundamental of financial management
Launder back (1993) survey of accounting (3rd) west public company.
Neveu R.P (1985) fundamental of material financial (2nd) south western purchasing company
Rose p.s (1999) commercial bank management (4th) mc Graw –ill company
Ross S.a (2000): fundamental and corporate finance (4th) mc Graw- ill c
Internet www BaitalsL 2005:/L/---/112 pd
      Internent www.wisegeek com (9.30pm)


              Dear respondents
This questionnaire is designed to collect for information for currency asset management of wegagen bank in Adama branch.
The research there for, kindly requested to complete this questionnaire genuinely and honestly.
Please fill the question below
v No need of writing your name
   For choice put (Ö  in the box provided and write appropriate answer for the bank space questions. 
Personal data:
I.                   age: 18-21                   26-35                   36-45                  above 45
II.                 Sex: male                     female
III.               Educational status: Diploma                      degree                 master       
            Questions about bank
1.      Does the apply the theoretical aspect of current asset man agent?
        Yes                no                                   

2.      What type of technique does the bank use to magnets current asset
3.      Does the bank hold idle cash?
             Yes                              no               
4.      If your answer for question number 3 is “yes” how often?
   Weekly                      monthly
   Quarterly                     yearly               
5.      Does the bank hold idle cash?
     Yes                  no                      
6.      If your answer for question number 5 is “ yes” where does the bank invest the ideal cash
7.      How does the bank manage its cash payment receipt?
8.      How does the administer its cash gap?
9.      What are the types of loan service provided wegagen bank?

10. For low long the bank gives a loan?
11. What are the lending policies of this bank?
12. Does the bank follow the lending policies                   no                    
13. What types of problem the bank face to collect loan?
14. What technique does the bank use to manage its short term receivable?
15. How do you evaluate the performance (profitability) of the bank?
16. Does miss management of current asset have impact on the service of the bank?                     
17. If your answer for question number 16 is “yes” are those impacts?
18.  Does the bank manage liquidity?
Yes                           no                                     

19.  If your answer for question number 18 “yes” how?