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          ID NO: 02339/01




DEC, 2010


The aim of this proposal is mainly to reveal that “Assessment of accounting system on Ethiopian electric power corporation a case study at Jimma district”. For this purpose this paper classified into contents and sub contents.

The first part of this proposal include introduction, objective of the study, statement of the problem and limitations of the study.

The introduction portion of this chapter is mainly talking about what accounting system means. Consequently, in the objective of the study the researcher express the way in which the follow to assess the accounting system of the organization under consideration. Also the statement of the organization under consideration. Also the statement of the problem specifies what an accounting system should includes will provide useful information for the decision maker. Finally, the limitations of this paper will provides difficulties that the researcher will face.

The next chapter is discussed about literature review, apart of this proposal which elaborate more about the topic that we are talks about.

The research and methodology part comprises and tells about the research design, area and data . In this part care should be given to answer the question like where the study will be conducted. What are the source of data. What will the sampling techniques and method.

Lastly, cost and time plan, it is estimated type of time and cost budget will require to helps to undertaken the study.



First of all, I would like to express my great deepest gratitude towards to forever lasting pillar  of my life, God, without him, unless things will going to be right. Followed by my thanks goes to my honourable advisor Mr Rao, M.Com,M.phil, (Ph.D) really had made great role for the contribution of his effort the fulfillment of this success.

And also a special thanks goes to my sweat heart brother, Samuel Seifu, he support me his contribution through with financially as well as materially.

Eventually, my special thanks will be given to all friends and neighbourers.


Content                                                                                                             page



1.1 Background of the study

An accounting system may be either manual or electronic. In manual accounting system, each of the steps in the accounting cycle is performed by hand. For example, each accounting transaction is entered manually in the journal and posted manually to leaders. To obtain ledger account balances and to prepare a trial balance and financial statements, additional manual computation must be made. On the other hand all electronic accounting system uses computer in processing transaction data in disseminating information to interested parties.

To be an efficient and effective accounting system, certain basic principles must be followed. These principles are     1. Cost awareness   2. Usefulness

The accounting system must be cost effective. Benefits of information must out weigh the cost of providing it. To be useful, accountants must first identified users groups and their information needs. These needs determine which economic data and activities are recorded by accounting system. Finally accountants prepare reports that summarized that information for users.

The accounting system should accommodate a variety of users and changing informational needs. The system should be sufficiently flexible to meet the resulting changes in the demands made up on it. Therefore, if the accounting system is cost effective, provide useful output, and has the flexibility to meet future needs, it can provides a valuable service and major contribution to both individual and organizational goals.

1.2  Background of the organization

Ethiopian electric power was introduced to Ethiopia in the late 19th century, during the regime of Minilik. The first generator was said given to Minilik around the year 1898 to light the palace.

In addition to the use of generators, Minilik got constructed the first hydro power plant on Akaki river in the year 1912 in order to supply power to small factories that had been established in Addis Ababa. Consequently, the power supply that hand been limited to small factories and palace was extended to public places and major roads in the vicinity of the palace.

However, the effort of the government to extend the power supply to public was hindered by the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in the years 1936. During this temporary occupation, the Italian company called coneil overtook the generation  and distribution of eclectic power. The company installed generators at different places and extended the power supply to the major towns.

In the year 1948, an organization that hand been vested with the power to administer the enemy property was evolved to an organization called Shewa electric power. The new organization Shewa although with limited capacity, managed to increase the power supply not only in shewa but also other administrative regions. In light of its function, its name was changed to “Ethiopian Electric light and power” in the year 1955.

Soon after its establishment, the supervision and management of the organization was vested in the board of directors appointed by the government.

After eight months of its establishment, the Ethiopian electric power and light was transformed to the “Ethiopian Electric light and power authority” (charter of the Ethiopian electric light and power). The newly established authority was conferred with the powers and duties of the previous Ethiopian electric light and power.

The purpose of the electric light and power authority was to engage in the business of production, transmitting, distributing and selling of electric energy to the public of Ethiopia and carry on any other lawful business incidental or appropriate here to which is calculated directly or indirectly to promote the interests of the authority or to enhance the value of its properties.

At the time of its establishment, the capital of the authority was ten million Ethiopian dollars dividends in to one thousand shares of per value often thousand  and Ethiopian dollars each.

It was also determined that the board of directors appointed by the government shall exercise all the  powers of the authority. In addition of this, it was also determined that the head office of the authority would be in Addis Ababa, with branch offices at different places as necessary.

At the time of the annual electricity production capacity of the authority was 35 GWH while the no of customers was 12,500.

In light of the socio-economic development of the country the authority continued to increase the scope of its operation in order to accommodate new changes.

Accordingly, the Ethiopian electric power corporation as public enterprise was established for indefinite duration by the regulation No 18/1997, and conferred with the powers and duties of the previous Ethiopian electric light and power authority.

At the time of establishment, the Authorized capital of the corporation was 6.1 million birr of which 2.67 billion birr was paid up in cash and kind.

It was determined that the establishment regulation that the corporation shall have its head office in Addis Ababa and may have branch offices else where, as may be necessary.

Currently, the annual electricity production capacity of the corporation is about 3112 GWH and the no of customers is about 1.1 million. Although the corporation has been increasing the no of customers by more than 15% annually.

1.3 Statement of the problem

 Every thing in the universe is changed through time. Similarly, the EEPCo of Jimma district had made growth since its establishment. A long with this resulting change there would be increase in business transaction and some other changes. To handle this change, the EEPCo of Jimma district has to make its accounting system in line with accounting cycle, generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP), computerize accounting system, internal control system, plant asset valuation, depreciation method and inventory system.

Moreover the study will try to answer the following some questions.
-        Does the organization obeyed to Generally accepted accounting principle?
-        Does the organization use accounting cycle in order to process the economic data of the organization?
-        Does the organization use cost principle so as to value fixed assets?
-        What the organization know about the internal control system of the organization?
-        Does the organization record depreciation expense to up to date the financial statement and what type of methods does the organization follow?
 The aim of this study will so as to assess whether EEPCo of Jimma district accounting system is in line with the above mentioned variables.

1.4 Objective of the study

Generally, the aim of this study will assess whether the accounting system of EEPco of this district is in line with some of the common accounting practices. Hence the objective of this study has been as follows:-
-        To assess whether there will be proper accounting cycle in order to process accounting data.
-        To assess whether the accounting system will be in line with GAAP.
-        To assess whether there will be a proper asset valuation and deprecation method.
-        To assess whether there will be a proper inventory system
-        To assess the internal control system of a district
-        To study the importance of computerized accounting system in the district.

1.5 Scope of the study

The study will focus on the assessment of accounting system on Ethiopia electric power corporation a case study at Jimma district.

The research will also focus on the application of accounting system of the organization under this to see the five years financial statement and balance sheet of the organization to measure the assessment of accounting system of the organization

1.6 Significance of the study

The study will be expected to provide abase information concerning accounting system problem and it’s the impact on the financial statement to the contemporarily researcher and to the organization itself, creditors, suppliers and customers. Also may use this organization to under take corrective actions. In addition to study will give some suggestions and recommendation with regards to the ways for solving the problems faced based on the findings obtained from the result of the analysis.




The major purpose of accounting system is to provide useful information to both external users and to the company’s managers for making operating decisions. Many transactions result in important financial managerial information. All accounting system is the means by which a company records and stores the financial and managerial information from its transaction so that it can retrieve and report the information in an accounting statement. All companies have accounting system, ranging from the very simple, such as a check book, to the very complex, involving the use of networked computers (Bazley, 2000, P. 66).

The basic accounting model provides a frame work for accounting system and is the basis for recording transaction. This model for corporation, called the residual equity theory modes, is usually expressed in an equation (Bazley, P. 66).

The way in which management is given the information for the use conducting the affairs of the business and in reporting to owners, creditors and other interested parties is called the accounting  system. In general sense, an accounting system includes the entire network of communications used by a business organization to provide needed information (Fees Warren, 1998, P 225).

An accounting system must be tailored to meet the specific need of each business. Since cost must be incurred in meeting these needs, one of the major considerations in developing an accounting system is cost effectiveness, for instance, although the reports produced by an accounting system are a valuable end product of the system. The value of the reports produced should be at least equal to the cost of producing them. No matter how detailed or informational a report may be, it should not be produced if it costs more than the benefits received by those who use it. (Fees Warren, P. 225)

Basics of financial accounting system that a company can use it either a manual or a computer accounting process. Regarding to is primarily interms of a manual system. The components of an accounting system include, the frame work for operation of the system, the imput source document, the records used to store accounting information, the output reports. (Bagley, 2000, P. 66)

Users of the information provided by the accounting system rely on various reports for relevant information presented in an understandable manner when these reports are prepared, the requirements and knowledge of the user should be recognized. For instance, management may needs detailed reports for directing operations on a weekly or even daily basis, and regulating agencies often require uniform data and establish certain deadlines for the submission of certain reports.  (Fees Warren, 1998, P. 225)

One of important concept in accounting system is generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP). GAAP is a set of standards and rules that are recognized as a general guide for financial reporting  purposes. This recognized set of standards is used to guide accounting profession. To be in line with GAAP, the following operating guide line has to be followed. These are     
(1) Assumption       (2) Principles &      (3) Constraints

The assumption provides a foundation for the accounting process principles are specific rules that indicate how economic event should be reported in accounting report constraints on accounting process allow for a relaxation of the principles under certain circumstance (Weygadt, 1999)

Accounting cycle is another important concept in accounting system what makes it important is it processes the economic events in the way that would satisfy the information needs of decision makers like management, employee, etc. To meet this objective, the following steps of accounting cycle should be properly applied. These steps are illustrated follows steps for accounting cycle.

Optional steps: If a work sheet is prepared, steps 4 and 6 are incorporated in the worksheet. If reversing entries are prepared, they occur between steps 5, 9 and 1. more over, errors should be corrected as soon as they are discovered by Journalizing and posting correcting entries. (Weygandt, 1999).

Likewise, plant asset valuation is another important concepts of accounting system, plant assets recorded in accordance with the cost principles of asset valuation. Cost consists of all expenditures necessary to acquire the asset and make it ready for its intended use. For instance, the purchase price of, freight cost paid by the purchaser, and installment cost are all considered part of the cost of the factory machinery. Cost is measured by the cash paid in a cash transaction or by the cash equipment price equal to the fair market value of the asset given up or the fair market value of the asset received, which ever is more clearly determinable. Once cost is established, it become the basis of accounting for plant asset over its useful life (Waygandt, 1999).

When it is talk about plant asset valuation, Depreciation method should also be taken in to account, because through depreciation method the cost of a plant asset can be allocated expenses over its useful (service) life in a rational and systematic manner. To do so, there are three depreciation methods        (1) Straight line
(2) units of activity, and    (3) Decling balance method.

Inventory accounting system is another important concept in accounting system one of the two basic system of accounting for inventories may be
(1)   The perpetual inventory system, or
(2)   The periodic inventory system

In periodic inventory system, ‘Physical inventory count is taken at the end of the period to determine.
1)    The cost of goods then on hand and,
2)    The cost of the goods solds during the periods. And under periodic system, purchases of goods can record  in a purchases account rather than a material inventory account. On the other  hand on perpetual inventory system the opposite is true (Waygandt,  1999)

Lastly, this study also take in to account internal control system of a company in order to study the accounting system of a company. An internal control structure should consist of policies and procedure established to provide reasonable assurance that the enterprises goals and objectives will be achieved. The internal control structure can be divided in to three elements.
1)    The control environment
2)    The control procedure
3)    The accounting system.

In conclusion the accounting system should be in line with the above mentioned accounting concepts in order to provide adequate information to interested parties.




3.1 Materials

The study will be conducted in the Jimma town, on Ethiopian electric power corporation at Jimma district, which is situated about four kilometers from the down town, of Jimma city. The data will be required for this study will be both primary as well as  secondary data. The primary data could be obtained from personal interview. On the other hand secondary data will be obtained from documents and records related to assumed variables.

3.2 Source of data

It will be proposed that both primary and secondary data will be considered for its study. Unfortunately the secondary data is not obtained in the organization as it is proposed, i.e Financial statement, auditing manual are not available in the organization. However, the primary data is collected as it is proposed.

3.3 Methods of Data collection

The researcher will collect the data himself and method of data collection will be unstructured personal interview and secondary data. As it was mentioned earlier, secondary data will be obtained from records and reports prepared in relation to assumed variable and this makes secondary data important. 

However, as it was discussed in earlier paragraph some of the secondary data are not available in the organization. But other important documents considered in stead. These are cash report, EEPCo compile customer service procedure, petty cash report and the like.

3.4 Sample and sampling techniques

The sampling techniques of selected for this study is a judgmental sampling of non probability techniques. The reasons for selecting these techniques are:-
-        It will enable the researcher to select the respondent that fits for his question.
-        It is less time consuming as compared with other sampling techniques.
Those individuals contacted for this study purpose are the two district cashier, internal auditor, service center head, store clerk.

The sample size determination techniques will also be judgmental sampling techniques, because the sample size will be depend up on accounting staff knows how and experience towards the study.

3.5 Methods of data analysis

Once the data will have captured from the two intended sources, then data analysis will be followed to make the raw data ready for interpretation and report writing. It is proposal  by researcher that data analyzing is an important and main part of the study. So a wider time and a greater care should be given for this part of the study. But, before stating the process of analysis, the raw data will be edited and checked for errors and omissions. Then after the edit, data will be analyzed and evaluated and judged in relation to assumed variables. Next, the analysed data will be interpreted and discussed. Finally, a sequential and systematic report that forward recommendation to some of the company’s accounting irregularities (if any) will be prepared for presentation.




4.1 Financial budget

Duration day
Unit price
Total cost

Personal cost





Material cost

2 ream










Other /miscellaneous cost




4.2 Time budget

Topic selection

Literature search


Proposal writing


Data collection


Data analysis


Research writing





-        Fees Warren (1998), Accounting principles
-        Jerry I. Weygandt (1999), Accounting principles
-        Bazley /Nikolai/ Jones, Intermediate Accounting



Student research program
Questionnaire for the research that will be conducted in "The assessment of accounting system in Ethiopia electric power corporation a care study at Jimma district".

General Instruction
First and for most, a would like to thank you for your willingness to fill these questionnaire format.
1.     All prices of information will be used only for the research purpose. you do not have to write your name. I assure that your response will be kept in secret.
2.     Each of your response is very useful for the study therefore please go through each question patiently and give genuine answer.
3.     Fill the blanks and put thick (ü) sign, where it is necessary for the questions adequetely in the space provided.
4.     You can give more than once choice when it is necessary. 

A. General background of the  employee
1. Sex                     5 Male       5 Female
2. Age          5 <21         5 21-30       5 31-50       5 51-65       5 > 65
3. Educational status         5 master’s Degree                     5 Diploma
                                        5 Bachelor Degree          5 12 grade complete
                                        5 Other, specify ____________________________
4. Profession                               5 accountant                   5 Manager
                                        5 Other, specify ____________________________
5. Work experience 5 < 1 year                       5 4-7 years
6. What is your position in the organization?
7. How long do you work at this position?
B. Questions related to the study
1. Does the company use accounting cycle in order to process the economic data of the organization?
          Yes 5                                       No 5
     If yes, how data is recorded, classified and updated?
2. What are the plant assets (Fixed assets) of the company?
3.  Does the company use cost principle in order to value fixed assets?
          Yes 5                             No 5
4. What is the inventory system of the company?
     Periodic inventory system 5            perpetual inventory system 5
5. Does the cost of inventory reduce to expense when goods are utilized in the normal course of the business?
          Yes 5                             No 5
6. Does the company use only one method of depreciation for different purpose (i.e for income tax purpose and financial reporting purpose)?
          Yes 5                             No 5
7. If yes answer for Question 6, what type method of depreciation are the company following:
     5 straight line method                     5 Declining balance method 
     5 production method                      5 sum of the year digits method
8. If your answer for question 6 is No, specify ____________________________
9. Does the company include depreciation expense in profit and loss statement?
          Yes 5                             No 5
10. Does the company obeyed to generally accepted accounting principles?
          Yes 5                             No 5
     If yes describe how it is implemented in the company?

11. One of the measures of improve data processing system is to install electronic accounting system, so in respect to the company what is your suggestion toward the computerization of the accounting system?
12. Describe what your generally know about the internal control system of the company?


I undersigned declare that this student research proposal is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university and all the materials used for this study have been duly acknowledged.

____________________________                             _____________________
         Name of student                                                         Signature

This student research project (paper) has been submitted for examination with my approval as a university advisor.

____________________________                             _____________________
          Name of advisor                                                       Signature

Date ____________________



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